Monday, August 6, 2012

Who am I?

Finally, the wait is over!  I know you have all been waiting anxiously for the post about me haha!  Anyway, this post was inspired by a former Choir director that retired in the Spring.  On our last day of class, he came in and handed us each a small sheet of paper numbered one to three.  He went on to ask the simple question, "Who are you?"  He proceeded to explain that we were to privately answer this question on the sheet of paper, with one being the most important.  As I said, this exercise probably should be left private, but why hide characteristics that you are proud of - characteristics that help define you?

These three points help define who I am:
  1. Child of God
  2. Loving family member
  3. Trusted and supportive friend
Additionally, I'm a sophomore college student studying elementary education while minoring in music.  Teaching and singing are my passions, along with serving our Lord.  I am very involved with my church serving on the Christian Education committee, singing in the choir, and simply being present as often as I can.  My church family means the world to me.

For the longest time, I tried to hide my southern roots.  But I finally realized that I had absolutely nothing to be ashamed of.  Just because the media portrays us as hillbilly's does not mean that we live that way.  I cannot deny that some live that way, but the majority of southern people are charming and kind.  I am proud to call the South my home.

My "crazy" dream is to sing on Broadway.  Now, I'm not necessarily talking star of the show, but I would love to sub-lease a little apartment in Manhattan and sing in the chorus of a Broadway show for a summer.  Even though this dream may be "bat-poop crazy," I read somewhere that if you write you dreams down on paper (or blog in this instance), they are more likely to become a reality.  I love traveling and hope to have a house near the beach someday.  I will admit that I quite enjoy shopping!  Family and friends take priority in my life.  I love spending time with them!

Well, enough about me.  I won't lie - I could go on and on talking about myself, but I won't put you through that torture.  Here's a small taste of who I am.  More to come.  Thanks for reading!


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